«Training to promote excellence in the European integration teaching» (2020-2022)
The project ‘University teachers’ training to promote excellence in the European integration teaching’
The project ‘University teachers’ training to promote excellence in the European integration teaching’ is designed to stimulate scholars, teachers and Ph.D. students to maintain and to develop research & teaching activities in EU studies. The project was implemented with the financial support of Jean Monnet programme (Erasmus+), project 620300-EPP-1-2020-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT.
This innovation project explores and spreads intensive interactive teaching methodologies and promote their implementation in Russian universities. The project promotes the introduction of knowledge and methodologies into the training programs in Russian universities, as well as the training of graduate students in educational and research centers. The project also contributes to encouraging young scholars with strong academic potential to specialise in EU studies; to developing existing network for cooperation of Russian scholars & teachers from various regions; to maximise the potential of European integration studies in the Russian academic and university environment. Project team unites experts from the most well reputed Russian universities and research centers: the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Science, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of International Relations and World History of Lobachevsky University of Nizhniy Novgorod and Perm State University.
A series of methodological seminars was held at leading Moscow universities in the spring of 2021. They were hosted by Moscow leading universities. These events gave professors the opportunity to test the teaching methodology and particular interactive techniques. These events provided comprehensive insight into selected aspects of EU development / activities for young teachers & Ph.D. students of the host universities.
Within the framework of the project two workshops for young teachers in Nizhny Novgorod and Perm are planned. First workshop ‘University’ teachers training’ took place in Nizhniy Novgorod on 4-9 July 2021. The workshop was organised in cooperation with the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Science and the Institute of International Relations and World History of the Lobachevsky University. Second workshop is expected to take place in Perm in cooperation with the Perm State University in the summer of 2022.
Nizhny Novgorod’ workshop united about 30 participants from universities all-around Russia. The main target group of the project are young teachers & Ph.D. students who teach EU related courses in Russian universities.
The key outcomes of the workshop:
- to give participants profound knowledge of selected aspects of EU development/activities,
- to familiarize participants with intensive interactive learning techniques and
- to improved participants’ didactical activity to enable them to construct and use various interactive teaching techniques
Outputs of the workshop include an electronic reader and a didactic web platform hosted by AEVIS website. The online platform provides open access to educational materials developed by the project team and workshop participants (including seminars video recording).