Association of European Studies

Video project “Talking about Europe”

Video project “Talking about Europe”

“Talking about Europe” video project became operational in February 2017. First, the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) put forward the idea and later Regional brunches of the Association of European Studies (AES) at a number of leading Russian universities joined the action. The project aims to narrow a gap between the professional perception of the most topical events and processes in Europe and their coverage in mass media, and thus understanding by the wider public. The pool of speakers consists of specialists of all ages and academic degrees – from undergraduate students and young teachers to prominent scholars and founding fathers of European studies in Russia. Up to now, films were shot in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Yaroslavl and Stavropol.

Within the three-year grant agreement of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Activities program “Strengthening European integration research and teaching in Russia” we produced over 50 videos on various topics. From the thematic viewpoint, one may split them into three broader categories. The first group covers the evolution of European studies in Russia, both on national and regional levels. The second and the biggest section consists of short lectures on the EU institutions and activities – from industrial and digital policy to a European Green Deal and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students’ reflections on their first steps in academic work and international communication in the field of European studies form the third block.

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